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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Backlink Generator Gratis 1 kali Submit Untuk Meningkatkan SEO

Mungkin untuk meningkatkan PR,SEO,SERP atau apa nama nya lah banyak sekali cara nya, Saya mau share tentang BACKLINK GENERATOR Update Agustus 2011, Generator ini sangat simpeltinggal masukin alamat langsung Submit Ga ada salah nya kan kita coba, Toh saya juga coba....Ya toh ya Toh,he Langsung aja Ke tkp gan

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cara Setting Custom Domain Di Bloger

Tutorial saya kali ini akan menjelas kan Cara Setting Custom Domain Di bloger dengan Sub Domain Di bloger.
jika sobat semua sudah mempunyai domain,sobat bisa langsung login menggunakan akun sobat.

Jika sobat belum mempunyai domain,sobat semua bisa daftar di


silahkan sobat semua cak apakah sudah bisa di gunakan atau tidak.sobat semua bisa langsung klik atau enter.
isi lah tipe domain yang sobat ingin kan,..di situ ada pilihan atau berbayar,.saran dari saya bila sobat yang masih pemula seperti saya,lebih baik yang geratisan saja,.
Kemudian sobat Bisa klik continue To registration.

Kemudian sobat klik setup,jika sobat tidak mengklik setup,maka domain sobat akan hangus jika tidak di setup selama 28 jam atau 2 hari maka akan hangus.
setelah sobat berhasil setup,sobat bisa login ke blog sobat,lalu masuk kemenu pangaturan account,
jika sobat belum mempunyai account,sobat bisa daftar di

Setelah itu kawan-kawan bisa masuk ke bloger dashboard -> Settings -> Publishing -> Custom Domain
Karena kita sudah memiliki domain yang sudah kita daftar sebelumnya, kemudian klik [switch to
advanced settings].

Masukkan nama domain yang sudah anda daftarkan sebelumnya di page [Advanced Settings],
kemudian klik [Save Settings].
Kemudian kembali ke, login menggunakan account domain anda, masuk ke menu
Manage Domain -> Zone Records. Adan empat kolom yang harus diisi, yaitu Host, TTL, Type, Value. Isi
Host dengan nama domain anda, isi TTL dengan 1 D, Type menggunakan CNAME, dan Value dengan Setelah selesai, klik Setup. Contoh bisa lihat gambar dibawah

Kemudian Klik Set Up. Proses setting DNS Anda telah selesai. Tunggulah kurang lebih 2 x 24
jam agar server dapat memverifikasi DNS Anda.

Selamat menikmati alamat blog anda yang baru.

Future Computer Mini Box

A programmable machine to receive data, store and manipulate with the acquired data and providing output in a useful format. These all are the functions that a computer stands for. With the inception of this technology till today, greater developments have been brought into this device. The modern computer device is millions and billion times more capable than the earlier formats. Now have you ever wondered what makes this small box so efficient? Well it is its ability to store and execute various instructions called programs, that make computers a versatile gadget. Thus with this rapid advancements you can easily understand how effective the recent future computer technology is going to be.
 Computer plays a very essential role in modern man’s day to day life. It eases the work load at  offices, schools and even at home. The technological advancements have made many lives better and easy. Thus computer helps them in presenting themselves more efficiently. With the improvement of the Internet with many modern applications and services, some of the old and renowned desktop applications have been replaced by their online versions. The replacements include photo management, office suites, email and other basic programs that come in daily use. 
Thus as the future computer technology will expand, the applications will develop in  a way where  the same applications and tools will be used through some  browsers. While the user will remain connected to the Internet in offline mode, to continue with managing, editing and other works. Now a days remaining all the time present is not required as there are backup services that compile all the folders to access from multiple devices. In this way the entire data from these applications will be stored on the user’s computer as well as backed up online at the same time.
However this should not stop you from keeping your data on your local machine. So that at any point of time you have your access to it. Don’t take the meaning of future computer technology so lightly. As at times it may happen that services can go down and connections are lost. But if you have direct access to your data these disturbances would not prevent you from working.
The future computer technology is expected to develop  massive. This can be guessed from the upcoming HTMLS. With the HTMLS, managing online and offline versions of web applications would be much easier. Another great advantage of this upcoming software will be that data can be accessed even through the cell phones. This would help a user to regularly check their documents and programs even on cell phones.

Future of Technology

Technology is expanding faster and faster and the future seems limitless for such an important sector, which has many wondering what the future holds for the industry. Currently there are technically advanced developments in the field of computer hardware, computer software and even the Internet that will change the way we work.
The way computer hardware is made and its function will soon be changing. Right now, there are a couple of new developments in this area of the future of computer technology.
Holographic Storage Technologies:
The theory of holography was developed by Dennis Gabor, a Hungarian physicist, in the year 1947. His theory was originally intended to increase the resolving power of electron microscopes. The result was the first hologram ever made. The early holograms were legible but plagued with many imperfections because Gabor did not have the correct light to make crisp clear holograms as we can today given he needed laser light.
However, it wasn't until the 1960s that two engineers from the University of Michigan: Emmett Leith and Juris Upatnieks, developed a new device which produced a three dimensional image of an object. Building on the discoveries of Gabor, they produced the diffuse light hologram. Today, we can see holograms, or 3D images, on credit cards, magazine covers and in art galleries. Yet this unique method of capturing information with lasers has many more applications in the industrial world and is on the verge of revolutionizing data storage technology as we know it.
Currently, tests are being done on creating a commercially viable holographic storage system. This technology not only offers very high storage densities, it could access that data at very high rates, due to the fact that holographic methods read an entire page of data in one operation. While conventional optical storage techniques read and write data by altering an optical medium on a per bit basis, holographic storage records an entire interference pattern in a single operation.
Protonic Memory :
One of the biggest horrors of the computer age is to be working on a document not yet saved to the hard drive and lose everything because of a power outage or a system crash that forces the operator to shut down the computer. Attempts to create circuits that store the information when the power is interrupted have used high voltages, which quickly wear down computer electronic components, and have been expensive. Some scientists have applied for a patent on a prototype memory retention device that is inexpensive, low-powered, and simple to fabricate that may be the future of protecting vital data when suddenly lost without being save. To transmit data, the device uses embedded protons, which remain where they are when the power turns off, thus preserving the information. In devices such as DRAM's (dynamic random access memory), typically based on electron flow, the information is lost when the power is turned off.
Nano Computers:
According to a group of researchers calling themselves the Nanocomputer Dream Team, November 1st, 2011 is the day they'll unveil a revolutionary kind of computer, the most powerful ever seen. Their nanocomputer will be made out of atoms. Moving individual atoms around at will sounds like fantasy, but it's already been demonstrated in the lab. In 1989, scientists at IBM used an electron microscope to shuffle 35 xenon atoms into the shape of their company's logo. Since then a team at IBM's Zurich labs has achieved the incredible feat of creating a working abacus on the atomic scale. Nanocomputers, if they ever appear, will be extraordinary things. But if, like most computer systems, they have bugs, they could also be very nasty, as well.
Next-Gen Interfaces:
Many of these next-gen interfaces will not have the user control the computer through commands, but will have the computer adapt the dialogue to the user's needs based on its inferences from observing the user. Most current user interfaces are fairly similar and belong to one of two common types: Either the traditional alphanumeric full screen terminals with a keyboard and function keys, or the more modern WIMP workstations with windows, icons, menus, and a pointing device.
An alternative model is emerging in object-oriented operating systems where the basic object of interest is the user's document. Any given document can contain sub objects of many different types, and the system will take care of activating the appropriate code to display, print, edit, or email these data types as required. The main difference is that the user no longer needs to think in terms of running applications, since the data knows how to integrate the available functionality in the system.
A major concern for creators of digital content, whether it's Web content, music, or movies on digital disc, is to protect their work from unauthorised copying and distribution. DataHiding is a technology that allows owners of content to embed data invisibly or inaudibly into other digital media, such as video, audio data, or still images. When the data is embedded, it is not written as part of the data header, but rather embedded directly into the digital media itself. This process changes the original digital data, but the change is so slight that it cannot be visually detected, and has no impact on the performance of the original data.
The beauty of DataHiding is that it gives content creators a powerful means of marking their digital creations without affecting the end user's appreciation of it. The embedded information does not change the size of the original data, and it survives normal image processes such as compression and format transformation.
These are just a few of the new computer technologies that might arise in the future and that are currently being tested to see if it works. While it may not, some still have the possibility of evolving into something else and still taking the future of computing to new heights. Those looking to learn about current advancements in technology can easily take IT training classes to increase their knowledge.
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Those looking for onsite training classes, bootcamps and more will enjoy taking one of Countrywide Training's dynamic classes. Students learn from certified instructors in the field and obtain comprehensive and quality training that will enhance their knowledge on various IT-related topics. They also have various bootcamp classes that prepare students to pass the certification they are trying to obtain on their first try! With so many certification and IT training classes to choose from, you'll definitely go back for more classes when you want to further enhance your IT skills and knowledge.

Interesting concept Tablet High On Felt

Is a 10” OLED Tablet with a wireless felt keyboard. Now the thing about the keyboard is that it’s styled as a jacket to hold the tablet. At the same time it features fused (hot pressed – embedded circuitry) keys on the outside. This actually brings original idea.  This is more of a jacket than a pouch if you want, that comes with hot pressed circuitry in order to implement the QWERTY keys you see here. The thing is that hopefully this wireless keyboard won’t connect to devices while you walk on the street and accidentally type stuff on it. Future gadgets Hilo_Tablet_PC_concept

The tablet uses an aluminum and ABS plastic case, while the keyboard is all felt. The combo weighs 1 kg and the HiLo tablet measures 14mm in thickness, which is quite a lot. However, it’s the originality that impresses.
Designer Roni Margolin  Future gadgets Hilo_Tablet_PC_concept Future gadgets Hilo_Tablet_PC_concept Future gadgets Hilo_Tablet_PC_concept Future gadgets Hilo_Tablet_PC_conceptFuture gadgets Hilo_Tablet_PC_concept Future gadgets Hilo_Tablet_PC_concept Future gadgets Hilo_Tablet_PC_concept Future gadgets Hilo_Tablet_PC_concept

Future computers to its next level

Rene Lee has come up with an exciting device called Bento. It is a single modular device that integrates a tablet, notebook, smartphone, hard drive and battery. The device can be used independently or as a processing network. It not only extends the life cycle of the product but also expands the possibilities of networked use. And thus, it provides easy portability of each component. Bento is short-listed for FUJITSU design award 2011 from over 1000 designs. It has got remarkable appreciation in a Designboom competition A Life with Future Computing.  Future technology Future computers to its next level

The basic laptop structure touts a 15″ OLED screen which serves as its structural base. It has solar powered lithium-ion battery. The tablet is of 11″. The Phone is fixed in shallow depression and is of 4″. The drive is 1TB SSD. One of the unique features of this device is that the tablet and phone can be used independently. Both can be removed while charging and can be used wirelessly. Each screen in it can be used for different purposes and content, when connected through networked system or physically. Future technology Future computers to its next level
The tablet can display a keyboard and the screen of the notebook can do visualization. Both tablet and phone can be functional in photo editing; picture can be loaded on phone while the tablet can run photoshop, and then image can be displayed in the screen of laptop. Multiple hard devices can be used in Bento because of its modular nature. All the components are fully functional as independent devices. This feature makes it exclusive and unique.  Future technology Future computers to its next level Future technology Future computers to its next level Future technology Future computers to its next levelFuture technology Future computers to its next level

Concept media player new

The portable media player has been designed as a university project about sci-fi movies. The technology used to carve this eye-appealing multimedia player is quite different from that of a traditional headphone. The skill projects music, video and image, which threw nodes directly into the brain. The product does not involve the use of ears, but just to make the design more acceptable, a typical headphone look was adopted. This look will easily form a connection with people, just like other products in the same league.  Future technology Concept media player

Minority Report Media Player features three nodes that will help keep the selected information secure. One of the nodes is positioned at the top of the gadget and the other two forms a contact with both temples. Magnetic technology is used to unfold the side nodes placed near the temple. These will get all the power from photovoltaic cells that come draped in acrylic material. These also work as an ingenious display for the device. When the device is unfurled, it looks as if a wave is spreading out from the center.
Designer  Sebastian Pandolfi from Argentina  Future technology Concept media playerFuture technology Concept media player Future technology Concept media player Future technology Concept media player Future technology Concept media player Future technology Concept media player Future technology Concept media player

Snail" Braille Reader: Syncs with a Bluetooth Headset

Features like kinetic recharging and pressure sensitive reading make it the ideal companion for a bookworm. The Snail can record the text as it reads for future playback and it even syncs with a Bluetooth headset so the visually impaired can listen to the book without disturbing others.
Snail - Braille Reader - Syncs with a Bluetooth Headset1

Snail - Braille Reader - Syncs with a Bluetooth Headset5
Snail - Braille Reader - Syncs with a Bluetooth Headset2
Snail - Braille Reader - Syncs with a Bluetooth Headset7
Snail - Braille Reader - Syncs with a Bluetooth Headset6
Snail - Braille Reader - Syncs with a Bluetooth Headset3
Snail - Braille Reader - Syncs with a Bluetooth Headset4

Technology future gadgets-Pencil Printer II

 The refined Pencil Printer part II comes with detailed explanations and a better understand of saving the environment from paper trash and permanency of Ink! In here we see how the lead shavings feed the cartridge toner and prints effortlessly on paper. Mistakes are easily erased, and once the crappy memo is done with…you can erase all the gibberish and re-use the paper. A true test of erasing skills! Designers: Hoyoung Lee, Seunghwa Jeong & Jin-young Yoon
Technology future gadgets Pencil Printer

Technology future gadgets-Pencil Printer Technology future gadgets Pencil Printer II Technology future gadgets

Pencil Printer future gadgets

Future technology devices concept – Portable printer Mini

It was about time that someone came up with this, I mean we are in the portable era! Stick POP is a portable printer that can handle a small amount of load. You can’t overburden it with all your documents, just a small stash that you need pronto. Measuring 23 cm by 6 cm, it’s easy to fit it in your handbag. Just hook it up to your comp /device via USB and get printing! Oh, and an OLED screen on the bar displays the printing status.
Future technology devices concept - Portable printer 1

Future technology devices concept - Portable printer 2 Future technology devices concept - Portable printer 3 Future technology devices concept - Portable printer 3 Future technology devices concept - Portable printer 4

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